Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Being a Girl in a Guy's World

Let me tell you...being a single girl in a male-dominated game can be an absolute blast! Here are some examples...

1. Guys give you stuff. They don't have to be interested in you. I think they just think it's cool having a girl interested in the game. Granted, most of us started gaming via an introduction by a boyfriend or husband, but some of us stay after the guy moves on to another game or out of our lives.

2. It's fun to be protected. Guys love to protect girls...or is it just girls who can heal their toons (characters)? hmmmmm

3. Flirting. Ok...I do enjoy a good, clean flirt and there always seems to be someone interested in flirting with me. Usually, it's just fun flirting as we know we live too far apart for anything serious to develop. However, this can get to the point where one or both get seriously interested. There are couples who've met and married via online video games. Sometimes this develops into dating and...

4. You could get flown to Alaska! Yeah. In August of 2007, I had most of my expenses paid for to go to Cordova, AK, for 2 1/2 weeks. I met a guy in my guild. We hit it off and ended up talking and playing a lot. After talking to/playing with Chris 2 or 3 times a day for 4 months, we decided it was time to meet. He paid for my airfare, provided a place for me to stay and I flew up to meet him. We had a great time and realized that there just wasn't the same chemistry in person and decided to be friends. So...glad we met and that I flew up there but no long-term relationship there.

5. Chivalry! Yes, ladies, chivalry is alive and well in the world of DDO! Guys have let me get things that drop from broken crates (even potions, which is huge in permadeath). My fave is when they open doors for me. It's sooo cool. I love door opening in real life, too.

6. You might get to be Queen! That's right. When I first joined Mortal Voyage (my permadeath guild...see my previous post for more info), it was me and a bunch of guys. Ok....Lessah was there, too, but not active at the time. When I started noticing that I seemed to be the only female in the guild, I asked about it ("none of your wives and girlfriends play?" to myself: "is this an all-gay guild?" "am I intruding in a guild intened to be female-free?"). The response I got was something like, "you're the only girl, which makes you the Mortal Queen." You bet I took that and ran with it and have been Queen Carliee ever since! There are more gals in the guild now and they are all royalty, too....but there can only be one queen.

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